ERC by [William]( and [Simon]( inspired by Permits NFT idea and [[EIP2612]] # EIP overview This ERC extends function of [[EIP2612]] - the initial [permit EIP]( to [[ERC721]] NFT. It requires separate EIP due to difference between ERC20 and ERC721. The main difference is that ERC20 permits use value (the amount of the ERC20 token being approved) and a nonce based on the owner's address, ERC721 permits focus on the `tokenId` of the NFT and increment nonce based on the transfers of the NFT. This EIP is basically EIP-2612 with extended ERC-721 function tokenID onstead of value - amount of tokens which are being transferred. The main difference between EIP-2612 and EIP-4494 is that EIP-4494 defines tokenID nonce as this function describes and differs NFTs in the contract. Full EIP: ERC as PR to follow it’s status and progress: EIP-2612 (for comparison): EIP-4494 implementation in vyper: